Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We the People Demand Justice

Around 50 people, many of them on motorcycles, gathered this afternoon at 56th Street and Brendon Way South Drive demanding justice for the family of Eric Wells. Wells was killed when he and the group of motorcyclists he was with including Mary Wells and Kurt Weekly -- were struck by a speeding police car while waiting at a traffic light. Behind the wheel of the squad car, a drunken police officer, whose blood alcohol far exceeded legal limits, plowed into the group.  The accident killed Eric Wells and seriously injured the other two riders, but because of sloppy police work by his fellow officers, the responsible drunken cop was not charged with being under the influence.
Public outrage has barely simmered down in the two months since the accident, and the family and supporters pledge to keep the heat and public attention on full blast to ensure that justice is done. 

Today they did that with prayers, their gathered presence and banners that read "Remember Eric Wells, killed by a drunk driver August 6, 2010" -- the word driver had been crossed out and replaced with COP" and "We the people demand justice for the Victims." 

The somber roadside crowd stood gathered around a small shrine, prepared a sunset candle vigil and waved to the approving honks of passing cars.

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